Browser Gaming Dice

A dice-roller that will always be free to use.

How to Use the Dice Roller

Use the roller just as you would a handheld calculator. Use the buttons to enter an expression and then press "Roll" to get the value of the expression. Use standard "xdy" dice notation to represent the dice. For example, "2d6" would roll two six-sided dice. If you omit the first number, a one is assumed. So, "d6" will simply roll one six-sided die.

The dice roller also includes a few modifiers that you can add on to a dice expression. Just add them on to the end of a dice expression to modify your rolls.



"X" will explode the rolls on the die's maximum value, while "x" will explode rolls on the die's minimum value. An "exploded" die is rolled again and again while it comes up with an exploding value. If a number is included after the letter, the dice will explode on the provided number or a number closer to the maximum (or minimum). So, "d6X5" will explode on a five or a six while "d6x5" will explode on a five or below.


"R" will reroll any rolls on the die's maximum value, while "r" will explode rolls on the die's minimum value. A reroll will replace the roll that triggered it, but will not itself trigger another reroll. As with exploded dice, a number after the modifier will set a different number to trigger the reroll.


"S" will skip (or drop) the highest roll from the dice expression. "s" will skip the lowest roll from the dice expression. If you include a number after the modifier, the roller will skip that many dice from the expression. e.g. "4d6s2" will roll four six-sided dice and then drop the two lowest rolls.

Binomial Cumulative Distribution

"Bin CDF" calculates the cumulative distribution function of the binomial distribution. It takes three arguments: the number of trials, the probability of success per trial, and the number of successes. For example, "bin(10,1/3,5)" will give the probability of getting five or fewer successes when attempting ten trials, each with a 1/3 chance of success. This is useful to determine the odds of success when a game requires several dice to be rolled and needs so many "successes" for something to happen.